A natural tank If you want your tank to look and act like a real stream, then you have come to the right place. Pea gravel You need pea gravel for your tank to look like a stream . "Live" rocks "Live" rocks also add to the beauty of a stream, get two or three of them. Plants Probibly the hardest aspect of keeping a stream tank,plants.Here are a few of the best plants to start with. Elodea(Anachris) With its dark green leaves,the Elodea is a beautiful stream plant. P.H.: 6.8-7.5 tempature: 65*F.-75*F. level: beginner Water sprite Water spite is a beautiful, bushy fern which will be accepted by many aquarists. P.H.: 7.0-7.4 tempature: 68*F.-82*F. level: advanced sagitaria Sagitaria, often called Hairgrass, provides wonderful shelter for small fish. P.H.: 6.5-7.5 tempature: 68*F.-75*F. level: beginner Bacopa The Bacopa looks great in any goldfish tank. P.H.: 7.0-7.7 tempature: 61*F.-74*F. level: beginner sword plants Sword plants are beautiful plants, with tough leaves that can stand hungry goldfish. P.H.: 6.8-7.7 tempature: 65*F.-76*F. level: beginner Banana plant Drop them in and they will take root.Their roots look like bananas. P.H.: 6.9-7.4 tempature: 70*F.-80*F. level: beginner mosses Mosses will eventually develop on your rocks. River snails Buy four of these, they will keep your tank clean. Now your tank is natural.It will look and act like a real stream.