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Partners in adversity
A Centerport boy with a fatal disease teams up with his school and the star of a documentary to raise funds for a cure
Special to Newsday

Dylan Thompson is 15 and wants to live to be 100, but he
also fears getting older. Each birthday brings with it a scary
possibility for the Centerport teenager: It could be his last.

On school days, the ninth- grader is up at 6 a.m. His
mother lifts him out of bed and into a motorized wheelchair
because he cannot walk. He cannot raise his arms, so she
helps him get washed and dressed. more...

Building a dream Green home in Centerport
Special to Newsday

A young boy living his life from a wheelchair dreamed last
month of traveling cross-country to raise awareness of the
fatal disease that confines him, and to attract funds for a
Today, Dylan Thompson, 15, a Duchenne muscular
dystrophy patient, is at the center of a larger dream. He
and others hope to leave his footprint - so to speak - in
what organizers are calling a first-of-its-kind project in
New York to fight global warming. more...



Paul Davis Restoration

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